Square & Rectangular Hollow Sections

Technical Specification

Mechanical Properties
Grade UTS YST %Elongation (min)
MPa, (min) MPa, (min) <=25.4 mm >25.4 mm
a Yst 210 330 210 12 20
b Yst 240 410 240 10 15
c Yst 310 450 310 8 10

Physical Specifications
Dimensional Tolerances
a Thickness ±10%
b Outside Dimension ±1% (±0.5mm min.)
c Weight
1.On individual lengths
2.On lots of 10 tonnes
d Squareness 90° ± 2°
e Corner Radius 3t max.
f Length 6m to 11m
g End Finish Plain End - Mill cut finish